Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chapter 14

What clues are in the story that tell you that Mr. Dorian is not worried about Fern?


  1. Mr.Dorian is not worried about fern because he thinks there is no mirical. But on the other hand Mrs. Arable thinks there is something wrong with Fern. Mrs.Arable is is worried because she thinks Fern is hearing the animals talk. That is why he not worried about fern.


  2. Dr.Dorian is not worried about Fern because he thought maybe animals do talk to Fern. Mrs.Arable said it was a miacle that the web had words in it. Dr.Dorian said its not a miacle. He said have you ever spun a web Mrs.Arable said no I have not. Dr.Dorian asked her a lot of things like dose Fren sleep good at night. Mrs.Arable said Avery is fine but he brakes every thing he holds in his hands. He brings home frogs and snakes. He all so gets poison ivy. Gets stung by wasps and bees. Mrs.Arable said but he is still fine and Dr.Dorian said thats good. Mrs.Arable felt greatly relieved. Can not wait to read more!!!!!!!!:):):):):):0

    Katelyn Rauch!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):0

  3. Dr.Dorian is not worried about Fern cause the is no mirical.Mrs.Arable is worried about Fern cause there was words in the web.But Dr.Dorian said that there is no miacal.Mrs.Arable has a worried look on her.Dr.Dorian is laying in his chiar so he is not worried.

    ashlyn haworth:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):0

  4. Dr.Dorian is not worried about Fern because he said there is no mirical. Dr.Dorian said that he was starting to beleive Fern. Dr.Dorian said that animals might be able to talk because hes never heard one but he probably wasn't paying attention. Dr.Dorian said that children pay more attention than adults do. Dr.Dorian also said that if people talked less then animals would talk more. Dr.Dorian said that it is impossible for people to talk less. Can't wait to read more tomorrow!

  5. Jenna i agree with you! because mr. Dorain was starting to beleve fern.and also mr. dorain is worryed about fern because he thought the anamales actually did talk to fern.And also wilbur really doese think he is not going to die.Because of Charlott.Also he is worryed is because dr. dorain asked a BUNCH of questions.cant wate to read more!

    Ashtyn Thomson :0 :) :) :0
